¿Cómo escribir un Narrative Writing? Tips and Tricks

Writing of an Narrative English class Tips and Tricks es tu guía para escribir narrativas de calidad. Consejos para elegir temas, investigar, estructurar, escribir, editar y revisar tu trabajo. Mejora tus habilidades de escritura!.

Estructura para escribir una Narrative

La estructura básica para escribir una Narrative incluye una introducción, nudo y desenlace. Sin embargo, existen algunos tips para mejorar la calidad de tu escritura y lograr que tu historia sea atractiva y entretenida para tu audiencia:

1. Crea una idea central

Antes de comenzar a escribir, es importante tener una idea central en mente. Esta idea debe ser algo interesante y emocionante, algo que quieras contarle a tu audiencia. Una vez que tengas esta idea, puedes comenzar a desarrollar tu historia en torno a ella.

2. Desarrolla tus personajes

Los personajes son una parte fundamental de cualquier historia. Asegúrate de desarrollar a tus personajes de manera detallada, dándoles personalidades, motivaciones y objetivos claros. Esto hará que tu audiencia se conecte con ellos y se interese en su historia.

3. Crea una trama sólida

La trama es lo que mantiene a tu audiencia interesada en la historia. Asegúrate de crear una trama sólida, con giros y vueltas inesperadas que mantengan a tu audiencia adicta a la historia. Una buena trama también debe tener un ritmo adecuado, no ser ni muy lenta ni muy rápida.

4. Usa una narrativa atractiva

La narrativa es cómo cuentas tu historia. Usa una narrativa atractiva, con un lenguaje preciso y una prosa fluida. Esto hará que tu audiencia se sienta atraída por tu historia y quiera seguir leyendo.

5. Revisa y edita tu trabajo

Finalmente, es importante revisar y editar tu trabajo antes de presentarlo. Asegúrate de corregir cualquier error ortográfico o gramatical, y de que la historia tenga un flujo lógico. Esto hará que tu historia sea más profesional y atractiva para tu audiencia.


Por ejemplo, si estamos escribiendo una historia sobre un joven llamado Juan, que se embarca en un viaje para encontrar un tesoro escondido, nuestra idea central sería el viaje de Juan en busca del tesoro. Desarrollaríamos a Juan como un personaje valiente y decidido, con una gran motivación para encontrar el tesoro. La trama se desarrollaría con giros y vueltas emocionantes, como encontrar pistas y enfrentar obstáculos en su camino, manteniendo al público al borde de sus asientos. La narrativa sería atractiva y emocionante, con un lenguaje preciso y una prosa fluida. Finalmente, revisaríamos y editaríamos nuestra historia para asegurarnos de que esté libre de errores y tenga un flujo lógico.

Writing of a Narrative: Steps to Follow

Writing a narrative can be a creative and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your narrative is well-structured, engaging, and effective.

Step 1: Choose a topic

The first step in writing a narrative is to choose a topic. This could be a personal experience, a fictional story or a real-life event. It's important to choose a topic that is interesting and meaningful to you and that you can write about with passion.

Step 2: Create an outline

Once you have chosen a topic, it's important to create an outline for your narrative. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your story has a logical structure. An outline can include the main characters, setting, plot and the climax of the story.

Step 3: Write a draft

With an outline in place, you can start writing a draft of your narrative. It is important to be descriptive and use sensory details to make the story come alive for the reader. Also, try to create tension and conflict to keep the reader engaged.

Step 4: Revise and Edit

After writing the first draft, it's important to revise and edit your work. This will help you fix any errors, improve the flow and clarity of your writing and make sure that the story has a clear beginning, middle and end.

Step 5: Proofread

Finally, proofread your work to ensure that there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. This will help to make your writing more polished and professional.


By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your narrative is well-structured, engaging, and effective. Remember to choose a topic that is interesting and meaningful to you, create an outline, write a draft, revise and edit your work, and proofread your final version. By doing this, you will be able to write a narrative that will be enjoyed by your audience.


The Lost Treasure

It was a warm summer day when I decided to go on an adventure to find the lost treasure. I had heard stories of a hidden chest filled with gold and jewels, buried deep in the forest. I packed my backpack with a map, a compass, and a flashlight, and set off early in the morning.

As I walked deeper into the forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. I followed the map and the compass, and soon I came across a small stream. I followed the stream, and soon I came across a small cave. I decided to enter the cave, and as I did, I saw a small chest in the corner. I opened the chest and to my surprise, it was filled with gold and jewels.

I couldn't believe my luck, but I knew I had to get back home before it got dark. I quickly filled my backpack with as much treasure as I could carry and set off back home. As I walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I had found the lost treasure and it was all mine.

When I got home, I told my family and friends about my adventure and showed them the treasure. They were amazed and couldn't believe that I had found it. I knew that the treasure would change my life, but I also knew that the memories and adventure of finding it was priceless.